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What Percentage of Cocoa Should Chocolate Have?

Cocoa is a central ingredient of chocolate and of course, also of vegan chocolate. Generally, the more cocoa there is in chocolate, the higher the quality.

Chocolate, vegan or not, is one of the most sought after foods in the world.

More and more research is indicating that there are dark chocolate health benefits when it is consumed on a regular basis, making this tasty treat even more sought after.

But with so many different types of chocolate on the market, it may be hard to determine which chocolate is healthy. If you look for a healthy chocolate, you should avoid sweetened milk (or vegan "milk") chocolate and should prefer a dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. The less sugar there is in chocolate, the better (at least in terms of how healthy the chocolate is, if you look for a sweet treat you don´t really care).

Dark chocolate typically contains between 50-90% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar, whereas milk or vegan "mylk" chocolate contains anywhere from 10-50% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk/mylk in some form, and sugar. Though dark chocolate should not contain milk, there may be traces of from cross-contamination during processing. Lower quality chocolates may also add other ingredients, such as vegetable oils, or artificial colors or flavors. These should be avoided, if possible. Ideally, the cocoa beans have been sourced from organic sources.

Dark chocolate is rich in iron, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, which have various health benefits.


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